Useful Links

Useful Links

Ronald Ross Primary

Year 1

Teacher | Miss Herritty, email:

Teaching Assistants| Priscilla Inglis and Isaac Sawyerr (PM)

Year 1 are reading:

The Robot and the Bluebird


David Lucas

Please click to see:

  Knowledge Organisers 

Art and Design 

Creative Craft

ko y1 creative craft.pdf


ko y1 painting.pdf


Sculptural Processes

ko y1 sculptural processes.pdf


 We Are Detectives

we are detectives knowledge organiser.pdf

 We Are Digital Artists

we are digital artists knowledge organiser .pdf

 We Are Publishers

we are publishers knowledge organiser .pdf

 We Are Rhythmic

we are rhythmic knowledge organiser .pdf

 We Are Treasure Hunters

we are treasure hunters knowledge organiser.pdf

 We Are TV Chefs

we are tv chefs knowledge organiser .pdf




Design Technology

 Free Standing Structures

ko y1 d t structures making freestanding structures.pdf

 Mechanisms (levers and sliders)

ko y1 d t mechanisms sliders levers .pdf

 Cooking and Nutrition

ko y1 d t food preparing fruit and vegeatbles including cooking preparing and nutrition .pdf




Continents and Oceans

year 1 continents and oceans.pdf

Local Area 

year 1 local area.pdf

Weather and Seasons

year 1 weather and seasons.pdf


Significant Individuals - Florence Nightingale

florence ko final y1.pdf

Changes within living memory - Toys and Transport

toys and transport ko final y1.pdf

Events beyond living memory - The Wright Brothers 

wright brothers ko 2020 y1 2.pdf


RHE - The Christopher Winter Project 

year 1 scheme of work 2019 2.pdf


 Seasonal Changes 

year 1 science seasonal changes.pdf


year 1 science plants.pdf

Our Pets 

year 1 science our pets.pdf


year 1 science ourselves.pdf

Everyday Materials

year 1 science everyday materials.pdf