Year 2
Teacher | Mrs Khan, email:
Teaching Assistants | Aisha Chowdhry and Donatella Merlino
Year 2 are reading:
The Christmasaurus
Tom Fletcher
Please click to see:
- Autumn 1 Topic Plan
- Autumn 1 Letter to Parents
- Autumn 2 Topic Plan
- Autumn 2 Letter to Parents
- Spring 1 Letter Parents
- Spring 1 Topic Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Art and Design
Assembling and Constructing
ko y2 assembling and constructing.pdf
We Are Astronauts
soc 2 1 we are astronauts knowledge organiser.pdf
We Are Games Testers
soc 2 2 we are games testers knowledge organiser .pdf
We Are Photographers
soc 2 3 we are photographers knowledge organiser .pdf
We Are Safe Researchers
soc 2 4 we are safe researchers knowledge organiser .pdf
We Are Animators
soc 2 5 we are animators knowledge organiser .pdf
We Are Zoologists
soc 2 6 we are zoologists knowledge organiser .pdf
Design and Technology
Mechanisms (wheels and axels)
ko y2 d t mechanisms wheels axels.pdf
Cooking and Nutrition
ko y2 d t food preparing fruit and vegeatbles including cooking preparing and nutrition .pdf
ko y2 d t textiles templates and joining tecniques.pdf
Hot and Cold Places
Local Area and Region
year 2 local area and region.pdf
United Kingdom
Memorial Days
Great Fire of London
great fire of london ko final y2.pdf
Cristopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong
christopher columbus and neil armstrong ko final y2.pdf
Healthy Animals
y2 science healthy animals.pdf
Gardens and Allotments
y2 science gardens and allotments.pdf
Uses of Everyday Materials
y2 science uses of everyday materials.pdf
year 2 scheme of work 2019.pdf