Useful Links

Useful Links

Ronald Ross Primary

Year 3

Teacher: Miss McClintock


Teaching Assistant:  Amel Zemoura

Year 3 are reading: 

The Tin Forest


Helen Ward

Please click to see:

 Knowledge Organisers

Art and Design


ko y3 drawing.pdf


ko y3 painting.pdf

Sculptural Processes

ko y3 sculptural processes.pdf


 We Are Programmers

soc 3 1 we are programmers knowledge organiser.pdf

 We Are Bug Fixers

soc 3 2 we are bug fixers knowledge organiser.pdf

 We Are Presenters

soc 3 3 we are presenters knowledge organiser.pdf

 We Are Who We Are

soc 3 4 we are who we are knowledge organiser.pdf

 We Are Co-authors

soc 3 5 we are co authors knowledge organiser.pdf

 We Are Opinion Pollsters

soc 3 6 we are opinion pollsters knowledge organiser.pdf





Design and Technology

Healthy and Varied Diet 

knowledge organiser year 3 healthy and varied diet.pdf

Mechanical Systems - Levers and Linkages 

knowledge organiser year 3 mechanical systems levers and linkages.pdf

Textiles - Templates and Joining Techniques 

knowledge organiser year 3 textiles templates and joining techniques.pdf


Climate Zones

year 3 climate zones.pdf

North America 

year 3 north america.pdf

South America and Rio de Janeiro

year 3 south america and rio.pdf


 The Stone Age 

stone age ko final y3.pdf

The Iron and Bronze Age 

iron bronze ko 2020 y3.pdf

Local History 

local history ko final y3.pdf


RHE - The Christopher Winter Project 

year 3 scheme of work 2019.pdf


Forces and Magnets 

y3 science forces and magnets.pdf

Keeping Healthy 

y3 science keeping healthy.pdf


y3 science light.pdf

Plants - Flowers, Fruits and Seeds 

y3 science plants flowers fruits and seeds.pdf

Plants - Roots and Shoots 

y3 science plants roots and shoots.pdf


y3 science rocks.pdf

Year 3 Science Autumn term 2021

Autumn 1: Rocks and Soil, Autumn 2: Light and Shadows


Year 3 Art and DT Autumn term 2021


Year 3 Literacy Autumn 2021

The Tin Forest, and Ug Boy Genius of the Stone Age


Year 3 Numeracy Autumn term 2021

Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division


Natural History Museum

Year 3 had an amazing trip to see all sorts of things related to their learning.