Useful Links

Useful Links

Ronald Ross Primary

Year 4

Teachers | Ms Cameron 


Teaching Assistants | Amel Zemoura

Year 4 are reading: 

The Thames and Tide Club


Katya Balen

Please click to see:

Knowledge Organisers

Art and Design

Creative Craft

ko y4 creative craft.pdf


ko y4 ceramics.pdf

 Printing and Pattern

ko y4 printing and pattern.pdf




We Are Software Developers

soc 4 1 we are software developers knowledge organiser.pdf

 We Are Makers

soc 4 2 we are makers knowledge organiser.pdf

 We Are Musicians

soc 4 3 we are musicians knowledge organiser.pdf

 We Are Bloggers

soc 4 4 we are bloggers knowledge organiser.pdf

 We Are Artists

soc 4 5 we are artists knowledge organiser.pdf

 We Are Meteorologists

soc 4 6 we are meteorologists knowledge organiser.pdf


Design and Technology

Electrical Systems

ko y4 d t electrical systems simple circuits and switches .pdf

 Healthy and Varied Diet

ko y4 d t healthy and varied diet.pdf

 Shell Structures

ko y4 d t shell structures .pdf




year 4 rainforest.pdf


year 4 rivers.pdf

 South American Amazon Basin

year 4 south america amazon basin.pdf



Ancient Egypt

ancient egypt ko final y4.pdf



romans finished ko 2020.pdf


victorians ko final year 4.pdf



RSE - Christopher Winter Project

year 4 scheme of work 2019.pdf




y4 science sound.pdf


y4 science electricity.pdf

 Animals, Including Humans

y4 science animals including humans.pdf

 States of Matter

y4 science states of matter.pdf

 Naming Living Things

y4 science naming living things.pdf

 Help Our Habitats

y4 science help our habitats.pdf


Year 4 Art


Year 4 Maths