Parent Time
Please join us in the hall for our Parent Time group every Friday morning straight after drop off (9am). It is a great way to meet other parents and learn more about what's going on in school while enjoying a lovely cup of tea and a biscuit!
All parents and carers are welcome.
Supporting your child with reading with Lara Coffin -L2L2R
Parenting Alchemy-Bedtime Magic and Stress Survival
Supporting Children in Reading-Ms Jane Bunn
National Curriculum and Our Learning-Mrs Brady
Getting into School with Dr Kelly Lewis Cole
Childhood illnesses with Dr Reena Bhatt
Communication, Classlist and the school website - with coffee, tea and refreshments
Signposting for Sleep Right with Helen Westbrook
Holistic Health Method - Jade Leighton - Nourishing our kids to promote healthy development