Special Educational Needs and disability information
At Ronald Ross Primary School, we believe that every child deserves the best possible education. We aim for all children to make progress and achieve their goals and we understand that some children will require additional support in order for this to happen. We strive to deliver a fully accessible curriculum that recognises achievement in all children.
This is achieved through:
- Quality first teaching delivered to meet children’s different learning styles
- The support of well-trained Teaching Assistants
- Provision to support children within the different categories of need – Cognition and Learning difficulties, Communication and Interaction difficulties, Social, Emotional and Mental Health problems and Sensory or Physical needs
- Working closely with parents
- Working with professionals and other external agencies
As a school, we work within the Wandsworth guidance on provision for children with SEND in mainstream schools known as the Ordinarily Available Provision (OAP).
If you wish to talk to us about your child’s needs or the provision in place, please speak to their class teacher or contact the SENCO directly.
The school SENCO is Ms Amy Thorp: info@ronaldross.wandsworth.sch.uk
Information Report and Policy
Please click here for our SEND information report.
Please click here for our SEND policy.
Parents and Carers
Wandsworth Council and Positive Parent Action can provide vital support at www.positiveparentaction.org.uk or www.wandsworth.gov.uk/pps.