Our Curriculum
Be the best you can be
At Ronald Ross Primary School we believe children need challenge to develop resilience, nurturing to develop strong relationships and excellent teaching at all levels to achieve academic success. Our curriculum is broad and balanced and provides us with a robust framework for planning stimulating teaching and learning experiences.
Through our work with PATHS, children will be able to identify their emotions and use strategies to manage them. Children will feel proud and be able to celebrate their own achievements and will be mindful of their own learning and the learning of others. They will use strategies that support attention and focus.
Children's behaviour reflects the school value of Equality and a deep understanding of Shared British Values. Children use metacognition strategies to deepen their understanding, leading to the commitment of key facts and vocabulary to long term memory.
- Provide a broad and balanced education for all pupils
- Enable pupils to develop knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skills, and be able to choose and apply these in relevant situations
- Support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
- Support pupils’ physical development and responsibility for their own health, and enable them to be active
- Promote a positive attitude towards learning
- Ensure equal access to learning, with high expectations for every pupil and appropriate levels of challenge and support
We strive to provide our children with an exciting and creative curriculum, which encompasses the National Curriculum. We want our children to enjoy learning and believe that whenever possible they should experience creative and practical experiences.
Our priority is to furnish children with the necessary skills, confidence and a love for learning, that will enable success at every stage of their education as well as preparing them for the responsibilities and experiences of later life.
Whole School Curriculum Map
curriculum coverage 21 22 .pdf
We are committed to the broadest educational offering, which means looking beyond the National Curriculum. A very successful enrichment programme that draws upon a wide range of skills is offered through school trips, hosting visitors from specialist backgrounds and themed days and weeks.
Trips and visits:
We plan a series of trips each term, for each year group. The trips are directly linked to our topic work, for example an Anglo Saxons topic could involve a trip to the British Museum, or Butser Ancient Farm and as a school, we organise regular trips to the Natural History and Science Museums. We have formed relationships with local organisations, for example the G64 theatre group and the Polka Theatre, who offer us the opportunity to work with them and use their extensive skills and resources. Children have also participated in Forest School to develop their confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting. Our Year 5 and 6 pupils are given the opportunity to go on a weekend residential trip to Hindleap Warren to help to develop their confidence and resilience, and build relationships skills. By the end of their visit, pupils are better at managing their time, using their initiative, and are more able to control negative emotions. These additional curriculum opportunities help to provide pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
Themed days and weeks:
We aim to enrich our curriculum further with themed weeks as well as inviting visitors to come in and talk about their businesses, jobs and religious beliefs.
The school runs annual Maths, Book and Steam weeks, following a different theme each year and we focus on other curriculum areas through additional themed weeks and days such as Fitness Week. Recent themed weeks have included visits from authors and a Dragons’ Den, where children wrote business plans and presented to a team of local business people.
Extra-Curricular Activities
A wide range of age appropriate clubs are offered after school for Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils. Typically these could include football, gymnastics, , yoga, dance and Glee clubs as well as termly story and craft events. In addition to this, the school has provided parents with a list of recommended weekend visits and excursions to stimulate curiosity and broaden horizons and skills, knowledge and understanding. Some of these include: Mudlarking on the Thames, Dene City Farm, galleries, museums, the Globe Theatre and the South Bank, most of these are free.